+30 210 9549 152
Building Petroutsi, Office 3.5

Matalas Antonia

Professor- Nutritional Anthropology


Antonia Matalas has served as the Scientific Coordinator for the project Cyprus Food Virtual Museum) ( Her work on eliciting the nutritional and social aspects of breastfeeding and their policy implications in Greece, led to her participating in the «Update of the EFSA Comprehensive Food Consumption Database Project» (European Food Safety Authority), in particular with data relevant to Food Habits and Consumption Throughout Breastfeeding. Currently, she is a partner of the MEDIS, a multi-ethnic study that examines aspects of health and food habits among elders residing in islands throughout the Mediterranean and the COST Network Promoting Innovation of ferMENTed fOods (PIMENTO) which aims at promoting and re-evaluating the role of traditional fermented foods in European societies.


  • Bachelor (B.Sc.) Chemistry, Aristotelion University Thessaloniki, 1985
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Nutrition Department, University of California Davis, 1993

Reasearch Interests

  • Cultural change and its impact on dietary habits
  • Dietary assessment of children, women and athletes
  • Understanding the historical and cultural features that underpin the notion of the “Mediterranean diet”
  • Traditional foods


  • Stavridis I, Matalas A-L. Food for the Olympic Athlete. Experts’ opinion and practices in antiquity. International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health. 2020;11:47-63
  • Bascali A, Tsakalidou E, Kyriacou A, Karavasiloglou N, Matalas AL. Traditional non-alcoholic fermented beverages consumed in European countries. A neglected food group. Nutrition Research Reviews. 2017; 1:1-24 doi: 10.1017/S0954422416000202
  • Αντωνία Ματάλα. Διατροφή και Πολιτισμός. Ελληνικά Ακαδημαϊκά Ηλεκτρονικά Συγγράμματα και Βοηθήματα, 2015
  • Matalas AL, Antonakou A, Chiou A. Breast milk tocopherol content and correlations with maternal diet. In Zibadi S, Watson R, Preedy V. (eds.) Nutritional Aspects of Human Breast Milk. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands: 2013 pp. 401-416